Be The Why Fly-In Event Schedule

Friday (October 27th)

(People fly home all day)
8-8:50AM – Breakfast / Gifts / Speakers (Mandatory for all staff)
8:50-9AM – Shuttle to Enium Office
12PM – Lunch on 3rd floor (Honey Baked Ham)


Hotel Address:

544 South Pleasant Grove Blvd
Pleasant Grove, UT 84062, US


Team Activities

CCD Team Activities
Tuesday- The Grid
Thursday- Evermore

LPS Team Activities
Tuesday- dinner (restaurant tbd)
Thursday- mani pedis

IT Activities:
Tuesday 4-7 LAN Center
Thursday 3-5 Paintball

Tuesday: Top Golf (Dinner at Top Golf)
Thursday: Dinner at La Jolla Grove

CSS Team
Tuesday- TopGolf (combo CSS/UW)
Thursday- Escape Room (only CSS)

UW Team:
Tuesday-TopGolf (CSS/UW)
Thursday-Dinner/ Haunted Forrest (UW)

AM Activities
Tuesday: Crash someone else’s activity
Thursday: Probably the same



• Arrival – Hourly staff will be compensated from their home airport to the hotel in Utah
Departure – Hourly staff will be compensated from the hotel in Utah to their home airport
Tickets have been purchased for each evening activity, so staff are encouraged to attend all events

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